2018 Gift Guide / Cozy Gifts
Calling all homebodies... this list is for you!
Luxurious textures, yummy scents, and comfy loungewear are all a sure-win for any female from your mother/mother-in-law, aunt, sister/sister-in-law. Who doesn't want a cozy gift? This list also includes some of my tried and true favorites. A silk pillowcase (they're easier on your hair than cotton and help prevent wrinkles / I have one and LOVE it), a cozy cardigan and throw by my favorite cozy brand (Barefoot Dreams), a fresh pair of slippers... I'm ready to hibernate!

Slip silk wash | Slip silk pillowcase | match striker | mercury glass candle | Barefoot Dreams drape cardigan (also available in plus-size) | The Nature of Home coffee table book | jersey pj top | jersey pj joggers (also love this top and bottom by UGG) | bath brush | BFP tumbler | pink socks | Barefoot Dreams throw blanket (also love this more budget-friendly option by UGG) | UGG slippers