A New Chapter

HEY! One of the great parts of my job is that my hobby and creative outlet turned into my job 11 years ago. I'm so grateful for the journey it's taken me on and the opportunities it has provided. However, I recently realized I needed a new creative outlet which is what you will find here and @brittany.fuson
What will I be posting? Not sure yet. What kind of content will it be? Stay tuned. Will there be a theme? Who knows. While there are still some unknowns, what I do know is that I want to take you on the journey with me while I launch a new project instead of waiting... waiting until the feed felt ready, waiting until there was enough content there, waiting to show you who I really am. My life motto is come as your are, so this is the page as it is now which is very much in the development stage.
Welcome. Say hi. Leave feedback. And laugh with me while we look at pictures of me trying not to smile.

Now that we've made the introductions, let's talk about these shoes. They are completely over the top and I'm obsessed. What I love even more is the under $100 price tag (if you're lucky, you'll find them around $45). I love them thrown on with a super casual outfit so the shoes do all the talking.

Outfit details: