Q & A four
Q: How long does it take you to complete an illustration?
A: It really depends! I can knock out a black and white sketch
in 10 minutes without a lot of detail. Custom illustrations take
longer because I'm constantly referencing photos to make the
resemblance as close as possible. When I'm doing sketches for
the blog, I average about 20-25 minutes per illustration not
including editing time in Photoshop. On average, I'd say an
illustration of just one figure takes around 30 minutes to an
hour. Additional figures and background elements add to that,
so Christmas card illustrations of large families can take hours.
So in a non-answer kind of way, the answer is it depends on the
sketch! Clear as mud? See one of my quicker sketches come to
life in a live video on instagram.
Happily Grey wearing a Fall '18 look from Lela Rose