Yet again, where have we been?
It seems like I go back and forth about where the blog should live (on my website or on its own), how often I should post, should I stop posting all together, etc. After a slight break over the past few months, I feel like I finally have a bit of clarity about where and how to move forward with the blog (which is what came first before the website was ever launched). Shockingly, it seems I'm being pulled back to where and how it all started: with illustrated style tips, trends, and things I'm loving. So, to bring it all full circle, thank you for sticking with me. Thank you for accepting my inconsistency in this department. And thank you for coming back for more! Here we go again...
NY Fashion Week happened over the past couple of weeks, but did it? It seems the influencers who usually attend weren't there. My instagram feed wasn't flooded with blurry runway videos. I wasn't refreshing half-hourly for updated runway photos. So, what does that say about the fashion industry as a whole? I'm just posing a question that I don't have an answer to. Are runway shows dead? Are collections being released on social media through presentations instead? Again, I don't know. But I'd love your thoughts... it's something I look forward to twice a year and for some reason almost missed the fact that it was even occurring.
One show I did catch a (high quality) photo of was Sally LaPointe, which leads me to my actual point here... neons ruled supreme during the show and it's showing signs of being a huge trend for spring. A citrusy-lime highlighter yellow/ green is the goal (maybe we can nickname it "citron"). I reimagined this jacket from the Sally LaPointe show with distressed denim and a concert tee, a runway look with a Nashville twist.

More on how to execute the new neons for spring in coming posts.